

I want to give you a lipstick, but you have to give me some back every day.


I want you to look at the first three words of my sentence.


I have heard the most touching love words is: "I have never loved anyone before, you are the first I love, I am afraid where I do not do well enough, let you think love is just so."


I never thought about getting married before I met you, but since I met you, I never thought about getting married.


Do you know why I like you with long hair? Because then I can have more of you.


Let's flip a coin, if heads means we are together, if tails, then I will turn him over.


If the right people can meet a little later, because at that time, when we are mature enough, it will never inexplicably separate.



All the contradictions between us from like to care, if don't like don't care, we won't be so angry.


I think the girlfriend of three words stroke is too much, in the simple principle, I can "girlfriend" into "wife"?


Although life is not as good as you want, but I hope I am.


If you want to ask me how much I like you, Then I tell you, Where I have walked, even next to the flowers will follow infatuation.


Fool, since you are so stupid, then don't go to harm others, I am willing to sacrifice me as a person, happiness of all mankind.


I want to ask you what date today, in fact, there is no other meaning, just want to remind you, is it time to like me.


Whenever I think of you in the long night, the warmth will always pour into my heart, I am really afraid that I will never meet the second you, because the rest of my life is too long, I am afraid of being alone.


Blame my eyes can not hide anything, because a mention of your name, my eyes will be gentle flood.